API Reference


The Chaotics API uses REST. Our API are take and return JSON-encoded data. We use standard HTTP response codes and verbs.


Chaotics doesn't require authentication to create an API response endpoint. On creation of an API response endpoint an ID and secret will be returned. It is your responsibility to keep these secret. With the API response endpoint ID a user can request the response. With the ID and the secret a user can request that the API response endpoint is updated or deleted.

To supply the secret for an update of delete action.

Header Value
Authorization Your API Secret


Chaotics uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

In general:

  • Codes in the 2xx range indicate success.
  • Codes in the 4xx range indicate a problem with the request. Retrying these errors is unlikely to be successful.
  • Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Chaotics's servers. Retrying these errors by be successful.
HTTP Status Code Description
200 - OK Everything worked as expected.
400 - Bad Request The request was unacceptable, check for a missing required parameter.
404 - Not Found The requested resource doesn't exist.
500 - Server Errors Something went wrong on our end.

Error responses returned by Chaotics will follow a standard pattern.

Attribute Description
code Numeric reference
description A description of the error

Example Error Response

  "code": 400,
  "description": "The request was malformed: required field 'responseStatusCode' is missing."

API Response Object


Attribute Type Required? Description
responseStatusCode Integer required The HTTP Status code you would like the endpoint to response with.
responseContentType String required The value of the Content-Type header the endpoint will response with.
charset String optional (Defaults to UTF-8) The character set to encode the body response with.
responseBody String required The body you would like the endpoint to response with.
weight Integer optional (default 1) The weight associated with this API Response.
latency Integer optional (default 0) The number in milliseconds of additional latency you would like to add to the endpoints response. Up to maximum of 5000.

Create an API Endpoint

POST https://api.chaotics.io/endpoint

To create an API endpoint POST a list of at least one API Response Object.

Attribute Type Required? Description
apiResponses List Required The required API response behavior
expireIn Number Optional (default 30) Auto delete the API response endpoint in x days. If not included API response endpoint will be kept indefinitely

Example Create API Request Body

    "apiResponses": [
    "expireIn": 30

Create API Response

Http Status Code 200

The response contains two values which are important for the management of your API endpoint. The apiId is the unique reference to your API and will be required to get your response in the future. The secret is a shared secret between Chaotics and yourself, and is required to make update and delete requests. It is your responsibility to keep these safe.

Attribute Type Description
apiId String The unique reference to your API endpoint
secret String The secret for your API endpoint

Example Create API Response Body


Delete an API Endpoint

DELETE https://api.chaotics.io/endpoint/{id}

This API requires authentication using your secret.

Header Value
Authorization Your API Secret

Delete API Endpoint Response

Http Status Code 200